13 thoughts on “CONTACT US

  1. Hey Captain! Wilson from Alaska Safety here. Sorry I missed you, but looking forward to following your trip this summer! Looks like you are already embarked on this great adventure so I will keep looking and see what your current location is and how things are sailing! Be safe and have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope to talk to you soon,

  2. Great write up & pictures Jesse! Best to you all! Hope your enjoying Nome and getting a bit of R&R. Looking forward to joining back up in the next month for the big push on to Greenland!

  3. Hi Captain! Hope the watermelon made it without a crack. Will be keeping track of your awesome voyage.
    Be safe and smooth sailing to you.

  4. Hi Jessie and co!
    Glad you made it with hauling the boat in Cambridge. I am hauled all the way to Dutch Harbor. Came here 16th of September on Libellule which is still in the harbor waiting for better ( lesser) winds before departing for Hawaii. I will take the ferry on 24th of september to Homer. Hopefully I will continue along the coast to Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii, Queen Charlotte Islands.
    Best regards from

    Richard (we met att the dock in Cambridge Bay)

  5. Hi Jesse and Samantha

    Just wanted to say thank you for your visit in Aasiaat! I feel lucky to have met you and got to know you (a little bit). Thank you for your humble appearance, for the “jam sessions” on your ship and you for letting me get to visit and sail a short trip with you. I hope you will live life as you desire with love, amazing experiences in the nature, and kind people around you. Godspeed into the future!
    (Sorry for my poor English)

    – Mathias (the guy from the Seamen’s Home in Aasiaat)

  6. Ahoy Captain! Wanted to say hi. Smooth waters and full sails to you in your life!
    Tammy from Colville Tank Farm

    1. Thanks for the note!
      I have not had time to blog since Greenland. But will continue soon. Samantha and I have been busy back in Alaska, building our company (Seven Seas Sailing Logistics) and working with a filmmaker about our Northwest Passage journey. You can view the website soon at http://www.thepassage-movie.com

      This year we plan to sail for Ireland in the month of June. Looking forward to hearing about your plans and aspirations.


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